Where is Kingston?

I woke up this morning at 7am to the ringing of my alarm. It’s a lazy Sunday morning, why is my alarm going off? Well, I forgot I told my friend, Shannon, that I would go on a hike with her on Magnetic Island. Dammit.

I was trying to figure out what excuse to use to get out of this early morning hike when I realized if I didn’t go, I would be obligated to work on my paper. I obviously got dressed pretty quick after that thought crossed my mind. We grabbed breakfast and we were off!

Yay avoiding real life!

Yay avoiding real life!

Before I get to into this story, Shannon is the world’s friendliest person. No, I mean it. She says hello to everyone and asks how their day is. This tends to lead to some nice and some strange encounters. This is key to the story; keep it in mind.

As we’re sitting on the bus, a mother and her two daughters come on. Shannon loves children. She starts saying hello to them and ends up having a conversation about Australia with the mother. They were going to Maggie Island too. We went to the ferry together and gave them some pointers on what to do. This family is important so remember them.

We got on the bus on Maggie Island and went to the Forts Walk. On this walk you not only get incredible views, but you also get to see forts from World War II. There were signs saying that there were koalas along this trail and also a dangerous snake called the death adder. He sounds like a cuddly fellow to me.

Let's do this!

Let’s do this!

There is apparently one koala named Kingston who chills in trees on this path like a boss. I was on the hunt for him. I know I’ve already held a koala, but I would love to see one in the wild! I searched every tree for him and only almost face planted like 10 times. I’m really coordinated.

He also likes cuddling and dining on eucalyptus trees.

He also likes cuddling and dining on eucalyptus trees.

The hike was so pretty! I love nature so much. In case you didn’t pick up on that. I pretty much love everything. Except spiders. Spiders can go to hell. But look how pretty it was:

That view!

That view!

Hi lizard friend

Hi lizard friend

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I can't get over it.

I can’t get over it.


We were checking out the first fort that had two really dark rooms in it. I almost went in, almost. Conquering my fear of the dark, why not? Luckily I didn’t because we were later informed that there were a ton of bats in there. I think it actually would’ve been pretty hilarious if I went in there and flashed my camera and had them fly out at me. Then again, I don’t know what horrible Australian disease they’re carrying so it’s all good.


The bat on this sign might have been a hint…

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Hanging out with history

Hanging out with history

Apparently bats are chilling in there

Apparently bats are chilling in there

There were so many places to stop and take pictures! I can’t even explain how gorgeous it was. Magnetic Island is magical.

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Watching a boat go by.

Watching a boat go by.

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My bad behavior caught up with me...

My bad behavior caught up with me…

Climbing on top of the fort

Climbing on top of the fort



We came across other forts and found a perfect viewing spot. I mean it when I say it was glorious. I love this country so damn much. I didn’t think we could find a prettier view, but as usual, Australia surprised me.

We found it!

We found it!


Jaw dropping

Jaw dropping

Looky at all the ships

Looky at all the ships

WHAT. You are magic.

WHAT. You are magic.

Loving the world.

Loving the world.

Cupcaking as usual.

Cupcaking as usual.




I don't care, I love it

I don’t care, I love it

We stumbled upon another fort and stood in awe at the view. We climbed out on rocks to sit down and watch sailboats go by on this beautifully blue water. We screamed “woo!” at the top of our lungs because we couldn’t contain ourselves…and we’re not mature. We must’ve sat there for 20 minutes before Shannon spotted someone to make friends with.

Another identical fort

Another identical fort



Watching sailboats, loving everything.

Watching sailboats, loving everything.


Sadly, it wasn’t Kingston the koala, instead it was three people from Bond University on the Gold Coast. Shannon beckoned to them to come up and hangout and they did. I need to go out with Shannon more often. They were such nice and fun people! They took pictures of us posing with the beautiful background and convinced me to face my fear of heights yet again by climbing out further on the rocks. Thank god they were there to lend a helping hand because I definitely would’ve fell to my death. This is why I hate heights!


Can't control my emotions!

Can’t control my emotions!

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Shannon taking a picture with our new hiking buddies

Shannon taking a picture with our new hiking buddies

Yup, doesn't help my fear of heights.

Yup, doesn’t help my fear of heights.

Still such a stunning view.

Still such a stunning view.

We continued our hike with our newfound friends and came across more forts. We climbed inside, around, and even on top. This time there was a ladder, thank god. Everything was just so spectacular! Ugh, it was such a good day and I was so excited! Duh.

Bad to the bone.

Bad to the bone.

Hi Shannon!

Hi Shannon!

View from inside the fort.

View from inside the fort.

Jason clearly doesn't have a soul.

Jason clearly doesn’t have a soul.

View from the roof.

View from the roof.

The other fort seen from the roof.

The other fort seen from the roof.

Horseshoe Bay from the top of the roof.

Horseshoe Bay from the top of the roof.



We were all on the hunt for Kingston. We were asking random people if they saw any koalas, no one did. I swear they hide from me because they can’t handle my excitement.



Shannon also found 2 other guys to talk to. I fell in love yet again. Okay, so I don’t know his name, but he was wearing a striped shirt and had a beautifully proper British accent. Seriously, I think I’m back to team British for the accent. I’m sorry Australia, but they just sound so classy and charming. I would’ve proposed, but we were on a time limit. I’ll never forget you striped shirt, it was wonderful while it lasted!

Goodbye you glorious piece of land, you.

Nature helped numb the pain.

We finished our hike not long after and decided it was time to eat. Luckily, we packed sandwiches. We hopped on a bus and went somewhere to eat. We also ended our Maggie visit with a gelato. That’s how every trip needs to end. I love gelatos.

Passionfruit is my new favorite flavor for everything

Passionfruit is my new favorite flavor for everything

While we were waiting for the bus back to the ferry, we ran into the mother with the 2 girls again. This time the younger girl, Lilly, called us over. They told us all about their day like we’re old pals and Shannon was happy to chat. It was pretty funny. Lilly, who is 4 years old, asked if she could sit with Shannon on the bus.

I kid you not, this small Australian child sat on Shannon’s lap on public transportation. What? How did this happen again? Lilly wasn’t satisfied with just the bus ride, she wanted to sit with Shannon on the ferry too. The mom was totally cool with it. The only thing she asked was that Shannon hold onto Lilly while the ferry was moving. Australians are so trusting.


Back to Townsville

My second (and favorite) home.

My second (and favorite) home.

Lilly asked Shannon to come back to her hotel and swim with her. The Australian accent on a child almost makes me want to have kids. Note: I said almost. That means I would still prefer a puppy. I’m actually starting to worry about my lack of maternal instincts at this point…

Even a demonic puppy

Even a demonic puppy

Anyway, we departed the family after the ferry and after Shannon made friends with 3 other people on board. Lilly was sad to see us go. And by us, I mean Shannon because I have no idea how to talk to children.

Unfortunately, Shannon and I missed the bus. So we waited for an hour for another one. In that time, Shannon made friends with the kid working the food place in the ferry terminal. She was telling him he only lives once and he should follow his dreams of traveling. Seriously, I need to go out with this girl more often. She cracks me up.

We got on the bus and maybe had the giggles. It was a long day. Shannon of course made new friends. This time there was one kid who was German. I attempted to charm him with the like 3 phrases of German that I knew. I think I entertained him. He was also impressed that I’m 50/50 Irish and German. Woohoo! Someone appreciates my freckles and lack of tan! It was a very interesting bus ride with many dirty looks directed at Shannon and I. We couldn’t help it! We’re happy, loud people. Oh well.

So many giggles!

So many giggles!

Sometimes I forget I’m in Australia. Today definitely reminded me and I’m amazed all over again. I love this place to death. I’ve never been so happy. I JUST LOVE EVERYTHING.

Also my friend John said this to me, so I can finally prove he loves me. YES!

Also my friend John said this to me, so I can finally prove he loves me. YES!  (Needed an excuse to share this).

Oh and we didn’t find Kingston. I called him again and again and he just never showed up. Typical man.

Reaping the Benefits

Throughout my life, I have never had school spirit. Grade school was a bust, I rooted for an all-boys high school instead of my own, and while I appreciate my college, I’ve only attended one football game. It’s just not in me to go all out for any school event.

My first football game...as a junior in college

My first football game…as a junior in college

That is, until I came here.

I’ve talked about this briefly in my other posts, but I don’t think I really got my point across. James Cook University eats, sleeps, and breathes school pride. If you’re not supporting, you aren’t a real person. The most interesting part is that it isn’t pride for James Cook, it’s pride for what dorm you live in.

So for my Temple University friends, that’s like Johnson and Hardwick going head to head in competition and making up chants degrading the other. Actually, I can only imagine the humor of what those chants would sound like. Maybe I’ll bring this idea back with me…

Anyway, instead of competing against different universities in sporting events we compete against the other dorms. Each college (dorm) has their own team for everything. I am in George Roberts Hall and we are the Reapers. It’s crazy how intense these people are. Australians are insane.

Everyone goes all out

Everyone goes all out

The swimming carnival is the first time I got the chance to witness this college pride. I didn’t even plan on going, but I was told it’s an absolute must. I am so happy I decided to attend.

Before the event, everyone gathered in the middle of college to get either their faces painted or their entire bodies painted. Most people with face painting had the reaper face painted on. Kind of too much for my liking. I opted for three stripes under each eye of our college colors: black, white, and yellow.

Simple yet supportive

Simple yet supportive

This event included every college in a series of swimming races. It started out pretty normal. Butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and free style were the first half of events. Of course, since this is Australia, it couldn’t just be a normal swim meet. The second half consisted of a noodle relay race and a wet clothes relay where you had to change your soaking wet clothes with the next person in line as fast as possible.

Someone made the mistake of letting my RA use the loudest speaker at the event. Hilarity ensued, as well as him trying to convince me to participate in the noodle relay. I haven’t swam in seven years, no way was I going to jump in a pool with most of the school watching. They are way too competitive! It was definitely entertaining though.

How can you not be entertained when everyone looks like this?!

How can you not be entertained when everyone looks like this?!

I actually lost my voice cheering. I was cheering. What?! I was right up at front in my face paint and GR shirt screaming my head off. And I loved it. Since it’s the wet season here in Oz, it of course rained. Despite the rain, we kept going. I was soaked to the bone and still cheering like there was no tomorrow. It was fantastic.

Some paint just didn't make it through the rain...

Some paint just didn’t make it through the rain…

George Roberts came in 4th place. We lost by a few points to our rivals at Uni Hall. Yeah, there are even serious rivalries here between colleges. Someone please explain what this place is to me. It can’t be real.

I couldn't be more in love

I couldn’t be more in love

I’m never bored here. I may not have a lot of class time, but I always have something to do. Even classes are entertaining. I love life.

I spent my Monday at the beach, the entire day. I fell asleep under a palm tree after dining on some delicious gelatos. It was the most relaxing start to the week ever. I don’t understand how I can be this lucky.

I used to hate Mondays...

I used to hate Mondays…

Best place to nap

Best place to nap

Rock pool so I don't die from a jellyfish sting

Rock pool so I don’t die from a jellyfish sting

During my last photography class, we spent half the time inside practicing light painting. We learned how to change the settings on the camera and use flashlights to paint pictures that the camera would capture. It is the coolest thing I’ve ever done. I had way too much fun with it.

You can't even tell I'm in the picture making stars

You can’t even tell I’m in the picture making stars

I was semi-tracing my friend with a flash light

I was semi-tracing my friend with a flash light

Even red light works. Coolest thing ever!

Even red light works. Coolest thing ever!

The other half of the class we spent outside practicing super fast shutter speeds that would make the picture look frozen in motion. So I got to do a bunch of cartwheels for the camera. I don’t understand why my life is so incredibly hard. It’s not fair!

I should be in the next Olympics

I should be in the next Olympics

I'm just really happy I didn't break a bone

I’m just really happy I didn’t break a bone

Best one my group took

Best one my group took

But you've got to love the dreads

But you’ve got to love the dreads

After class I got to go fishing for the first time in my life. No one has ever taken me fishing. I don’t understand why not, I watch River Monsters all the time.

I just want to make my boyfriend, Jeremy Wade, proud

I just want to make my boyfriend, Jeremy Wade, proud

I caught my first fish! I really caught it. Of course, my friend had to instruct me on what to do and when, but I don’t even care! I caught it!

Look! Look what I did!

Look! Look what I did!

Don't worry, we put him back

Don’t worry, we put him back

I caught a couple more, but I pulled typical Arielle moves by not tugging hard enough to get the hook in or getting overly excited and swinging the fish into the bridge and probably killing it. All of that doesn’t even matter though, because I caught them. Pretty soon I’ll have my own show on Animal Planet and Jeremy Wade will be asking me for fishing advice. I have big dreams for myself.

Watch out Jer, I'm giving you a run for your money

Watch out Jer, I’m giving you a run for your money

Where we went fishing is the same river that we swim in. The one with the crocodiles and snakes that I say I’ll never go back in, but always end up in the water. Well my fear is now escalated. I saw an eel. It came up from the depths to bother the multitude of turtles. I may have freaked out. No, I definitely freaked out. I was then told, “we don’t want to catch him, they’re aggressive and have sharp teeth.” OH. Yeah, let me just jump in for a quick swim now. The look of horror on my face made my friend ask, “You’re never going to go swimming here again, are you?” Uh, duh.

Lucky I made it out with my life

Lucky I made it out with my life

Despite the scary eel, I’m 100% down to go fishing again. I had a blast. It was the best day ever, you know, besides yesterday and probably tomorrow.

Because I love every day

Because I love every day

Getting Classy

Though all my friends back home are getting ready for spring break, I’m just getting through my second week of classes here at James Cook. And I don’t hate it.

I've got better things to do

I’ve got better things to do

Most Americans here are studying marine biology or something similar. Who can blame them? This is the most perfect place in the world to expand your knowledge on what lies under the sea. Of course, since I never do anything by the book, I’m studying advertising.

And I'm pretty damn good at it.

And I’m pretty damn good at it.

People look at me confused when I try to explain to them why I’m here when JCU doesn’t even offer advertising. My simple answer is always, “because I can.” I was in no way going to pass up an opportunity to live in Australia over a little thing like my major. I’m not that easily deterred.

During my stay in the land down unda, I am taking some of my electives. I’ve been told my classes sound like fun, which they definitely are, but they’re still challenging to me since I’m oblivious to the topics I’ve chosen. But that’s the fun of it, right? I picked classes that I knew nothing about so I could actually *gasp* learn something.

Though I would love to continue messing around

Though I would love to continue messing around

Last week marked the start of our classes and the end of our vacation. I’m really proud of myself considering I only got lost about 5 times. This campus is huge. Local Australians would disagree, but though my home school is bigger student wise, it is all located in one little area. This place is the jungle. I love it.

Just a casual stroll through campus

Just a casual stroll through campus

About my classes:

My first class of the week is Tuesday at 12pm (I live a hard life). It is Australian Women’s Studies.

Why am I taking this?

Honestly, all of my other subjects clashed and this one didn’t seem awful. Also it had the word “Australian” in it, so I was pretty much sold. I also took a women’s study class back at home and I got to write a paper on “Mulan” and was ecstatic. I figured this class would give an interesting point of view on the prejudice Australian women are faced with. I honestly thought it would be better here since Australia was one of the first countries to allow women to vote, but I was wrong. Yay! I learned something already.

My next class is also on Tuesday and is broken up into 3 parts that last until 8pm. It is The Haunted Screen: Dark Visions in Cinema.

Why am I taking this?

It’s a class about scary movies. Any more questions?  But seriously, I know nothing about scary movies besides the fact that I can never sleep at a place that has a cornfield in the backyard. I enjoy watching scary movies from between my fingers and this class seems to be really interesting. We examine the different types of scary movies and try to explain why people are so interested in them. At least, I think that’s what we’re doing. Regardless, every Tuesday at 6-8pm we get to watch a scary movie. So far we’ve watched two. One was a silent movie to represent German Expressionism and the second one was a French movie to give me a headache. The movies that I’m excited to watch are The Shining, Psycho, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Solid.

On Wednesdays, we wear pink. I mean, I take Photography. It’s my earliest class starting at 9am (seriously, my life is SO hard). I have an hour lecture and then a 2 hour practical from 1-3pm.

Sorry, Mean Girls moment.

Sorry, Mean Girls moment.

Why am I taking this?

In case you haven’t noticed, I love taking pictures. I have no idea how to take a proper picture with a proper camera. So far I’m pretty overwhelmed with all the mechanics of a good camera. I know I am definitely going to come out of this with some sick skills I will proudly show all of you. This actually might be my hardest class. I’m looking forward to getting better.

I have off on Thursdays because I need a break from all this super hard work.

So much work to do.

So much work to do.

Fridays I start at 1pm for 3 hour class: Acting for the Camera.

Why am I taking this?

I don’t want to! Don’t make me! This was the absolute last thing I wanted to take here. I’ve successfully avoided all acting classes I’ve been tempted to take for my entire school career. I’ve never done an acting class. Sure, I’ve played the president’s cat, a vice president, a shepherd, and wrote and acted out plays in the 3rd grade, but none of them were very serious. I always wanted to get into acting, my mom tells me all the time that I’m a drama queen, but the thought of having to get up in front of a group and pretend to be someone else is nerve-wracking. Hopefully this will help me get over my fear and will lead me down a better road. Like maybe I’ll be really great at pitching my advertising ideas. Or maybe I’ll be able to play Mrs. Tony Stark in the next Iron Man movie. I’ve got to keep my options open.

Oh, hi.

Oh, hi.

I still feel like I’m on vacation. The weather is beautiful and I want to go to the beach every day. The worst part? I CAN go to the beach every day. What a distraction.

I can't take this place seriously.

I can’t take this place seriously.

Oh and I thought having teachers with an Australian accent would get me to focus, but instead I feel like I’m permanently on an Animal Planet show or watching shark week. I can’t focus.


In case you didn’t notice in my last blog, I was wearing a tank top with the words “VAS HAPPENIN’” on it. My best friend Leslie and I made matching shirts with that phrase on it so we could bring them abroad with us.

Photo on 12-27-12 at 11.53 PM #6

Cupcaking all over the world

Cupcaking all over the world

Leslie is currently living it up in Rome and loving life just as much as me. Our plan is to take pictures to show off our adventures while wearing the shirt. Leslie is also keeping a blog!

Here’s the link:


(Rated PG13 or possibly R. Regardless, it’s amazing).

Leslie celebrating Carnivale in Venice, Italy!

Leslie celebrating Carnivale in Venice, Italy!



My woman

My woman

Best Day Ever…So Far

I may or may not be totally obsessed with animals (hint: I am). So you can’t imagine how excited I was when I got to visit the Billabong Sanctuary in Townsville (hint: I was shaking with excitement).

Heaven on earth for me

Heaven on earth for me

I’ve looked into Billabong before. I actually included it in my brochure of Townsville I made for my photoshop class last semester. I knew the prices and the shows before I even got to Australia. I’m obviously a wonderful advertising student.

James Cook University planned a trip for students to go and visit. It was $30 for transportation and entry. Of course, it was mainly international students on this trip. Actually, I think it was all international students. For some reason Australians aren’t as overly obsessed with their country as I am. Weird, right?

Within two minutes of walking into Billabong, a kangaroo walked by. It just walked by, not a care in the world, just free to wander. WHAT! What is this magical place that I just stepped into?!


Oh hello you precious marsupial!

The kangaroos were like dogs. They walked right up to you, enjoyed being pet, and seemed to love the attention and treats. The kangaroos we saw were Eastern grey kangaroos. These are the same ones my group chased out in the wild during out first day in Australia. They were smaller than the kangaroos you’re probably picturing. I know I always pictured a really big kangaroo, the ones that hop around in the outback, but that’s a red kangaroo. The Eastern Grey can get pretty big too, they are the heaviest marsupial in the world, but the Red kangaroo is the biggest.

Sup, ladies?

Sup, ladies?

These grey kangaroos were adorably fun-sized. I fell in love instantly. And I had to pet every single one that crossed my path.



Also I fed a kangaroo, and it held my hand. It was the best moment of my life.

Who needs a boyfriend when this guy wants to hold my hand?

Who needs a boyfriend when this guy wants to hold my hand?

We were split into 3 separate groups and went around visiting different animals. My group’s first stop was the reptiles. We got to learn about crocodiles and snakes and got to hold one. Since I already held a crocodile, I went for the snake. I had to put it around my neck. It was a life goal.

Just holding my new friend

Just holding my new friend

Just kidding, that wasn't me. This is. Close enough though, right?

Just kidding, that wasn’t me. This is. Close enough though, right?

The scariest thing I learned about crocodiles was that the saltwater crocs (salties) can swim into rivers. This is after I went swimming in a river near school and was told that freshwater crocs (freshies) don’t bother you. Gee, thanks for informing me that saltwater crocs enjoy a dip in the river as well. Mark that down as another thing I’m terrified of. Right after spiders.

This suddenly doesn't seem very safe

This suddenly doesn’t seem very safe

Next we got to see a wombat. Are you like my mother and don’t know what a wombat is? Shame on you! Wombats are probably the cutest things I have ever laid eyes on. Like a giant cuddly teddy bear!

I just can't handle it. Too cute.

I just can’t handle it. Too cute.

They are social creatures and like being on a schedule. When the cyclones hit Australia this year, they got depressed because they couldn’t come out and see people and get their bellies rubbed! Like stop, I can’t handle to cuteness.

Stop it right now!

Stop it right now!

Like kangaroos, they are marsupials. They have rodent like front teeth that they need to file down by gnawing on tough vegetation and they have powerful claws used for digging.

It dug a hole right into my heart!

It dug a hole right into my heart!

I just want to hold it and cuddle it forever. But I can’t, because that’s illegal.

Our group then went to see koalas. They were boxed in, but not necessarily caged. We could reach in and pet their backs while they napped in their trees. Adorable little critters. Ugh, I love everything.



Oh hi there sleepy head

Oh hi there sleepy head

We got to hold the koalas, for a price. I had this planned out already, so this came as no surprise. I literally had a change bucket labeled “koala fund” and saved up more than enough to hold one. I’m a little determined. It was $16 to hold the precious little creature, and I was one of the first people in line. Duh.

Worth the money? Yes.

Worth the money? Yes.

We also got to see a croc feeding show. You know how you know something is big, but then you see it in person and you’re like, “holy crap, that is huge!” Well, that’s how I felt when I saw a croc leap up to snap at some meat dangled on a rope.

Brave man

Brave man

They were saltwater crocs and they were the most intimidating creatures I have ever seen. Oh and they’re everywhere in Australia. Like I said earlier, their name is misleading because they can even go in fresh water. Seriously, Australia? Get your act together.

Stole this one from Sharkbait, but yeah, not something I want to brush up against my leg in the river

Stole this one from Sharkbait, but yeah, not something I want to brush up against my leg in the river

Later Sharkbait (Katrina) and I wandered off to a caged in area to ogle some red-legged pademelons. What is a red-legged pademelon? Well, it’s only the most adorable creature ever, that’s what.



It looks like an extremely small kangaroo or wallaby, with big eyes and super soft fur. They were not as daring as the kangaroos wandering about, but eventually one did let me pet it.

It was a magical moment

It was a magical moment

Then my usual crew of Americans wandered off to visit other animals in Billabong.

Also stolen from Sharkbait, but emus are ugly creatures.

Also stolen from Sharkbait, but emus are ugly creatures.

Dingos look like regular dogs. This is a problem. Because they're dangerous. And I want to pet it.

Dingos look like regular dogs. This is a problem. Because they’re dangerous. And I want to pet it.

Taken from Sharkbait. A cassowary is the world's most dangerous bird. It scares me.

Taken from Sharkbait. A cassowary is the world’s most dangerous bird. It scares me.

Google image to give you a better idea

Google image to give you a better idea

We also saw a venomous snake show and I nearly peed my pants. I wouldn’t notice half of them. I didn’t get to take any pictures of them because my camera died of excitement. There are way too many deadly snakes living here. At least I learned how to wrap a snake bite… kind of. Maybe. I might have forgotten already.

I really would love to go back to Billabong Sanctuary. What would be even better is if I could volunteer there. I emailed someone about volunteering, but he hasn’t gotten back to me yet. I even went as far as to find a worker willing to drive me when I volunteer. I am fully prepared to scoop up koala poop (even though I don’t even like cleaning the kitty litter) and hopefully I will get an email soon saying that I can! Wish me luck.

I could totally do this job

I could totally do this job

27 Days left in America

I have been mentally preparing for this trip since the 6th grade at St. Anselm’s when Miss Legel taught us the countries of the world. Kinda like this:

(Except without the song, rhyming, fun, and in a sweater vest.)

Everyone always asks me, why Australia?
Seriously? Why is that a question?

Well, I’m a huge animal lover. Australia has the most unique animals in the world. Kangaroos, koalas, wallabies, dingoes, platypus(es?), wombats, Tasmanian devils, emus, numbats,  echidnas, am I losing you? Okay, you get the point.


Australia is also freakin’ gorgeous. It’s generally clean, has beautiful blue waters, amazing beaches… just trust me on this.

Townsville - The Strand - 101644-634

Then there’s the accents…oh god, the accents. If you don’t love the Australian accent, then you have issues and I don’t have time for you. Australia has given us some amazing accented actors as well (Heath Ledger, Thor, Thor’s brother).


And let’s not forget Crocodile Dundee

And finally, there’s the fun stuff only a college student would care about:

  • Apparently the first European settlers in Australia drank more alcohol per person than any other community in the history of mankind.
  • In 1954 Bob Hawke made it into the Guinness Record Book: he sculled 2.5 pints of beer in 11 seconds. Bob Hawke went on to become the Prime Minister of Australia.
  • Australians spend the most money on gambling in comparison to any other country in the world. Australia has twenty percent of the poker machines in the world
  • Pubs occupy more land than the mines.

I know nowhere in the world is perfect, but for me, Australia is pretty damn close.

I chose to attend James Cook University in Townsville because it’s in the best location possible. Townsville is the largest tropical city in Australia. It sees about 300 days of sunshine a year. It’s a very relaxed environment with clean air and little traffic. The Great Barrier Reef is right at its doorstep. JCU is about 20 minutes from the beach and is surrounded by incredible wildlife sites. I literally couldn’t ask for more.

Yes, this is my actual campus.

Yes, this is my actual campus.

And if any one of you comment on all the bugs and snakes that live in Australia, I will personally punch you when I get back. I’m well aware that there are 1,500 species of Australian spiders, 6,000 species of flies and 4,000 species of ants. There are over 350 species of termites as well.  I’ll bring bug spray.