Where is Kingston?

I woke up this morning at 7am to the ringing of my alarm. It’s a lazy Sunday morning, why is my alarm going off? Well, I forgot I told my friend, Shannon, that I would go on a hike with her on Magnetic Island. Dammit.

I was trying to figure out what excuse to use to get out of this early morning hike when I realized if I didn’t go, I would be obligated to work on my paper. I obviously got dressed pretty quick after that thought crossed my mind. We grabbed breakfast and we were off!

Yay avoiding real life!

Yay avoiding real life!

Before I get to into this story, Shannon is the world’s friendliest person. No, I mean it. She says hello to everyone and asks how their day is. This tends to lead to some nice and some strange encounters. This is key to the story; keep it in mind.

As we’re sitting on the bus, a mother and her two daughters come on. Shannon loves children. She starts saying hello to them and ends up having a conversation about Australia with the mother. They were going to Maggie Island too. We went to the ferry together and gave them some pointers on what to do. This family is important so remember them.

We got on the bus on Maggie Island and went to the Forts Walk. On this walk you not only get incredible views, but you also get to see forts from World War II. There were signs saying that there were koalas along this trail and also a dangerous snake called the death adder. He sounds like a cuddly fellow to me.

Let's do this!

Let’s do this!

There is apparently one koala named Kingston who chills in trees on this path like a boss. I was on the hunt for him. I know I’ve already held a koala, but I would love to see one in the wild! I searched every tree for him and only almost face planted like 10 times. I’m really coordinated.

He also likes cuddling and dining on eucalyptus trees.

He also likes cuddling and dining on eucalyptus trees.

The hike was so pretty! I love nature so much. In case you didn’t pick up on that. I pretty much love everything. Except spiders. Spiders can go to hell. But look how pretty it was:

That view!

That view!

Hi lizard friend

Hi lizard friend

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I can't get over it.

I can’t get over it.


We were checking out the first fort that had two really dark rooms in it. I almost went in, almost. Conquering my fear of the dark, why not? Luckily I didn’t because we were later informed that there were a ton of bats in there. I think it actually would’ve been pretty hilarious if I went in there and flashed my camera and had them fly out at me. Then again, I don’t know what horrible Australian disease they’re carrying so it’s all good.


The bat on this sign might have been a hint…

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Hanging out with history

Hanging out with history

Apparently bats are chilling in there

Apparently bats are chilling in there

There were so many places to stop and take pictures! I can’t even explain how gorgeous it was. Magnetic Island is magical.

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Watching a boat go by.

Watching a boat go by.

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My bad behavior caught up with me...

My bad behavior caught up with me…

Climbing on top of the fort

Climbing on top of the fort



We came across other forts and found a perfect viewing spot. I mean it when I say it was glorious. I love this country so damn much. I didn’t think we could find a prettier view, but as usual, Australia surprised me.

We found it!

We found it!


Jaw dropping

Jaw dropping

Looky at all the ships

Looky at all the ships

WHAT. You are magic.

WHAT. You are magic.

Loving the world.

Loving the world.

Cupcaking as usual.

Cupcaking as usual.




I don't care, I love it

I don’t care, I love it

We stumbled upon another fort and stood in awe at the view. We climbed out on rocks to sit down and watch sailboats go by on this beautifully blue water. We screamed “woo!” at the top of our lungs because we couldn’t contain ourselves…and we’re not mature. We must’ve sat there for 20 minutes before Shannon spotted someone to make friends with.

Another identical fort

Another identical fort



Watching sailboats, loving everything.

Watching sailboats, loving everything.


Sadly, it wasn’t Kingston the koala, instead it was three people from Bond University on the Gold Coast. Shannon beckoned to them to come up and hangout and they did. I need to go out with Shannon more often. They were such nice and fun people! They took pictures of us posing with the beautiful background and convinced me to face my fear of heights yet again by climbing out further on the rocks. Thank god they were there to lend a helping hand because I definitely would’ve fell to my death. This is why I hate heights!


Can't control my emotions!

Can’t control my emotions!

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Shannon taking a picture with our new hiking buddies

Shannon taking a picture with our new hiking buddies

Yup, doesn't help my fear of heights.

Yup, doesn’t help my fear of heights.

Still such a stunning view.

Still such a stunning view.

We continued our hike with our newfound friends and came across more forts. We climbed inside, around, and even on top. This time there was a ladder, thank god. Everything was just so spectacular! Ugh, it was such a good day and I was so excited! Duh.

Bad to the bone.

Bad to the bone.

Hi Shannon!

Hi Shannon!

View from inside the fort.

View from inside the fort.

Jason clearly doesn't have a soul.

Jason clearly doesn’t have a soul.

View from the roof.

View from the roof.

The other fort seen from the roof.

The other fort seen from the roof.

Horseshoe Bay from the top of the roof.

Horseshoe Bay from the top of the roof.



We were all on the hunt for Kingston. We were asking random people if they saw any koalas, no one did. I swear they hide from me because they can’t handle my excitement.



Shannon also found 2 other guys to talk to. I fell in love yet again. Okay, so I don’t know his name, but he was wearing a striped shirt and had a beautifully proper British accent. Seriously, I think I’m back to team British for the accent. I’m sorry Australia, but they just sound so classy and charming. I would’ve proposed, but we were on a time limit. I’ll never forget you striped shirt, it was wonderful while it lasted!

Goodbye you glorious piece of land, you.

Nature helped numb the pain.

We finished our hike not long after and decided it was time to eat. Luckily, we packed sandwiches. We hopped on a bus and went somewhere to eat. We also ended our Maggie visit with a gelato. That’s how every trip needs to end. I love gelatos.

Passionfruit is my new favorite flavor for everything

Passionfruit is my new favorite flavor for everything

While we were waiting for the bus back to the ferry, we ran into the mother with the 2 girls again. This time the younger girl, Lilly, called us over. They told us all about their day like we’re old pals and Shannon was happy to chat. It was pretty funny. Lilly, who is 4 years old, asked if she could sit with Shannon on the bus.

I kid you not, this small Australian child sat on Shannon’s lap on public transportation. What? How did this happen again? Lilly wasn’t satisfied with just the bus ride, she wanted to sit with Shannon on the ferry too. The mom was totally cool with it. The only thing she asked was that Shannon hold onto Lilly while the ferry was moving. Australians are so trusting.


Back to Townsville

My second (and favorite) home.

My second (and favorite) home.

Lilly asked Shannon to come back to her hotel and swim with her. The Australian accent on a child almost makes me want to have kids. Note: I said almost. That means I would still prefer a puppy. I’m actually starting to worry about my lack of maternal instincts at this point…

Even a demonic puppy

Even a demonic puppy

Anyway, we departed the family after the ferry and after Shannon made friends with 3 other people on board. Lilly was sad to see us go. And by us, I mean Shannon because I have no idea how to talk to children.

Unfortunately, Shannon and I missed the bus. So we waited for an hour for another one. In that time, Shannon made friends with the kid working the food place in the ferry terminal. She was telling him he only lives once and he should follow his dreams of traveling. Seriously, I need to go out with this girl more often. She cracks me up.

We got on the bus and maybe had the giggles. It was a long day. Shannon of course made new friends. This time there was one kid who was German. I attempted to charm him with the like 3 phrases of German that I knew. I think I entertained him. He was also impressed that I’m 50/50 Irish and German. Woohoo! Someone appreciates my freckles and lack of tan! It was a very interesting bus ride with many dirty looks directed at Shannon and I. We couldn’t help it! We’re happy, loud people. Oh well.

So many giggles!

So many giggles!

Sometimes I forget I’m in Australia. Today definitely reminded me and I’m amazed all over again. I love this place to death. I’ve never been so happy. I JUST LOVE EVERYTHING.

Also my friend John said this to me, so I can finally prove he loves me. YES!

Also my friend John said this to me, so I can finally prove he loves me. YES!  (Needed an excuse to share this).

Oh and we didn’t find Kingston. I called him again and again and he just never showed up. Typical man.

Welcome to the Jungle

Settling into college is really difficult. I had the hardest time getting used to Temple University my first year. You never know what to expect. You have to share a living space with someone and you’re in a new environment. The first few weeks of freshman year were a really rough time. Luckily, I had my lovely “crazy corner” to help me fit in. After that I promised myself I would never be a freshman again.

So what did I do? I became a stupid freshman again. Or as the Aussies say, “fresher.”  Really? Darn it.

Even though I am older than most of the “fossils” aka upperclassmen, I am still treated as a fresher. It doesn’t matter your age, or how long you’ve been in school, if you’re new to James Cook University, you are a fresher. And you must wear your fresher headband for an entire week. As if I didn’t stand out enough just being American!

Everybody got nickname, besides me. Because I'm already unique.

Everybody got nickname, besides me. Because I’m already unique.

I tried to fight it by yelling at people that I am an international, not a fresher. It was no use. I’ve accepted my fate.

James Cook University is unlike any college, or as they call it “uni,” I have ever been to/heard of. This place is just like the colleges portrayed in movies. Every dorm, or as they say, “college,” is like a little team. The colleges compete against each other in different games, each college has their own way of hazing, and every college is wild.

Everybody has their chants for their specific college and they are very proud. It’s just such a culture shock. I definitely had a few “what is this place” and “this place can’t even be real” moments.

I really can’t even put into words how much fun this place is. Seriously, watch any stereotypical college movie and that’s basically James Cook Uni. Only it’s better here because it’s in Australia.

Enjoying the clubs just a short busride away from campus

Enjoying the clubs just a short bus ride away from campus

I live in George Roberts Hall. I have my own bedroom (much bigger than any room I’ve ever had), I have 2 roommates who also have their own room. They are both Australian. We have a common room, a fridge, a microwave, and a bathroom. It’s a pretty sweet set up and I have no complaints, besides the fact that we’re a 15 minute walk from the center of campus. Exercise!

Let's be honest, they could have put in a box and it would've been nicer than the hell hole I lived in last year.

Let’s be honest, they could have put me in a box and it would’ve been nicer than the hell hole I lived in last year.

The most shocking thing about George Roberts is that I have a male roommate. I did not see that coming. Karma for always wishing I had a guy roommate? Probably. It’s okay though, Tom is a very nice guy and I felt comfortable after a day or two. It was just definitely very different. My girl roommate, Katie, is also a sweetheart. They made me feel at home and I am so thankful for such a fun pair.

The campus is BEAUTIFUL. We are seriously in the jungle. Or at least it feels like that to us Americans, the local Australians are unfazed by the gorgeous surroundings. There are so many cool looking birds and lizards and everything is just wonderful! As usual.

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The international students had a special orientation meeting at James Cook, just to learn about how to do things. It’s actually pretty complicated. But they brought animals over from the Billabong Sanctuary to keep our mood up. Greatly appreciated!


This was quite an exciting moment for me

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Enrolling in classes here is ridiculous. I honestly still don’t understand my schedule. I have 8 classes approved by Temple University, but I can only enroll in 4 here. Fine by me. The problem was that 2 of my 4 top classes clashed. So I had to pick one of the remaining 4. Problem was most of them clashed as well. I tried and tried to avoid taking “Acting for the Camera,” since it was my last choice. Wouldn’t you guess that was the only one that fit?! Go figure.

I was pretty upset at the moment about these class issues, but I’m trying to put a positive spin on it. I’ve wanted to take an acting class forever, but I never had the courage to take one. I’ll take this as a sign from the universe that I was meant to take this class. I’ll laugh about this moment later when I’m accepting my Oscar.

It took me a little bit to get into the swing of things, but that’s only because I am so out of my element. But I can definitely get used to this. My home college is looking less and less appealing as time goes by.

This is much more appealing

This is much more appealing

Oh and Australian boys? No comment.

Packing Problems

With a little more than a week left in the States, it’s time to get packing. Of course, since my mother is a perfectionist, the packing pretty much started a month ago.

So this stuff has been crowding her room for a while.

So this stuff has been crowding her room for a while.

Australia’s seasons are flipped, meaning that while it’s bitter cold and snowing here in Philly, it’s in the high 80’s and 90’s down unda. What that means for me is bathing suits, shorts, and all my lovely sundresses! Since I hate both pants and shoes, putting my shorts,dresses, and flip-flops into my suitcase was a moment of pure joy.

I feel like I'm going to be in for a rude awakening when classes start...

I feel like I’m going to be in for a rude awakening when classes start…

By the end of my stay in Australia, the weather will get a bit chillier, so I’m packing jeans and hoodies as well. Like I said in my previous post, where I’m staying is the largest tropical city in Australia so even their chilly weather is going to feel like heaven to me.

Packing does have its problems though. Especially when you are only allowed to bring one suitcase, a carry on, and a purse or backpack that can fit under your seat. I’ll be in Australia February 9-June 25 and that’s all I can bring? Seriously? I’m a girl. This is an issue.


Luckily they all match.

Despite the limited luggage, I thought I was all set with packing until my mom starting asking questions. “Do you have enough shampoo? Sunscreen? Chapstick? Does anything need to be washed? What about your makeup? Jewelry? Face wash? Do you have a travel toothbrush? Thank goodness I asked!” Oops.

That’s a lot of stuff when you think about it. As a way to save space for the really important things my mom and I went out to Bed, Bath & Beyond and bought some travel space savers to squash my clothes into. Something I recommend to any traveler.


I also have a 3 or 4 day orientation in Melbourne before I reach my school and during that time I will not see my big suit case. That means I have to pack everything I need for those few days into my carry on. It’s a small bag so I can really only pack the essentials. I have shampoo, conditioner, body wash, leave in conditioner, and sunscreen squeezed into proper size containers so I can bring them onto the plane.

My friends in Rome support my notion to bring shot glasses.

My friends in Rome support my notion to bring shot glasses.

If I were a boy, this packing thing would be a hell of a whole lot easier. Unfortunately, I’m cursed to bring along makeup, nail polish, push-up bras, perfume, a hair straightener, a hair waver, flip-flops to match each outfit, purses, my stuffed dog “Dude,” and my DVD of Magic Mike.

And my Tinkerbell, of course.

And my Tinkerbell, of course.

Man, I feel like a woman.